Where you do not want to read your work

Where you do not want to read your work

My first motivation in my work is to do good, meaningful science. Good science means appropriate statistics, reproducible workflows, with as open data as possible.

My secondary motivation is to never have my work torn apart on Andrew Gelman’s Blog, TWIV, or DataMethods. Of course discussion of published literature and the limitations are great. It needs to be done, but I want my work to be the best possible version of itself.


BibTex citation:

author = {Michael E. DeWitt},
title = {Where you do not want to read your work},
date = 2023-01-10,
url = {https://michaeldewittjr.com/articles/2023-01-10-research},
langid = {en}

For attribution, please cite this work as:

Michael E. DeWitt. 2023. "Where you do not want to read your work." January 10, 2023. https://michaeldewittjr.com/articles/2023-01-10-research